Monday, January 19, 2015

Morning Where is the "Good" in it.

                   Hello and welcome to Kitchen Self Therapy, well if you asked my husband or my two children they would probably call it the Danger Zone. Just like most women I go through moods (better known as husband, children, work and life overall) and the kitchen is where I like to work through those moods.  I get lost in the art of creating something that will in the end bring everyone together for fun times, companionship, and of course full tummies.  The Kitchen can be a place for peaceful cooking, a place to chop out your frustrations, a place for crying over the spilt milk or a place to feel complete and accomplished.  I have experienced all of the above on more than one occasion. My hope with this blog is that other woman will relate to some of my crazy and fun stories, cry with me, feel accomplished with me and enjoy some good food along the way. Lets face it ladies this journey we are all on is a rough one, so every once and awhile put on a Sarah Bareilles album in the back ground and get cooking you might be surprised at how you feel in the end.

…………Morning………Where is the good in it……I know I know we get to wake up and enjoy another day on this earth but really what is so great about waking up. I mean I was sleeping so well. Do my children really need breakfast right now and why are you so happy?

            These are the questions I ask myself every morning.  I will never understand happy morning people. Like the lady who does the cross walk at my daughters school. I have never seen her with out a HUGE smile on her face fist thing in the morning. I wave with my fake smile and think she has to be on something cause no one is that happy in the morning. I need at least an hour of awake time and a HUGE cup of coffee before I can even begin to think let alone smile.LOL. 

            If I could live at Starbucks I would but no one has that much money! Well maybe in Hollywood they have that much money but here in the normal land I cannot afford to be there everyday. So after several weeks of trying I have finally mastered my favorite drink from there which is the Cinnamon Dolce Latte with an extra shot..yes I need it ok. So anyway I thought it only fair to share my discovery for those other morning hatters out there. I hope you all find the word that should come before Morning but for me it will never be good. Enjoy!


For Simple Syrup
2 cups of water
4 cinnamon sticks, broken in half
1 ½ Cups of brown sugar

For coffee
1 cup of strong brewed coffee of your choice
1 cup of frothed milk
Cinnamon sugar crystals ( I found mine at the Dollar Tree, see pic below)

Instructions for simple syrup:
  1.  In a small saucepan, add the water and cinnamon sticks. Bring to a boil then reduce to simmer for 10 mins. Discard cinnamon sticks and add the brown sugar to the cinnamon water. Stir until the brown sugar is dissolved. Remove from stove and allow to cool completely. Store in a sealed jar container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

 To assemble
  1.             Add 4 tablespoons of simple syrup to bottom of mug, I then heat this up in microwave for 30 seconds.
  2.        In a second mug put in the 1 cup of milk and also heat this in microwave for 30 seconds. Once heated you can use a hand held milk-frother, I ordered mine on amazon for $8, or you can put milk in a sealed jar and shake, the milk will froth in about 30 seconds either way you choose to do it
  3.       Pour brewed coffee in to mug with the simple syrup, then pour frothed milk in the coffee and spoon out the foam on to the top
  4.      Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I applaud the way you responded to your sons accident. Many times it can be very easy to respond in anger and frustration, as a result of being interrupted during the few and precious moments we set aside for our work, or the anger of having to clean up yet another mess in a long line of messes made by others that could have been avoided. Think of the fun you will have when retelling that store when he gets older :)
